1. Merlin Holland is a publisher, a dealer in glass and ceramics, and a writer who has edited and published several works about his very famous grandfather. his grandmother was constance lloyd before she married, and she changed her surname in 1895, to holland. who was the famous grandfather?
2. They were the British 57th Foot regiment, so called after their Colonel Inglis addressed them before the (victorious) battle of Albuera against Napoleon's French on 16 May in 1811, ‘________ my lads, __________'. Only one officer of 24 survived, and only 168 men of 584. The regiment later became the West Middlesex.
3. Hadudu in Bangladesh, do-do in Nepal, guddu in Sri Lanka, chado-guddo in Malaysia, Zoo in iran, and techib in indonesia. What’s this called in india?
4. The first three times, it was a member of the Norwegian Storting (Parliament), Ole Colbjørnsen (Labour Party) who did it. Then, ten years later, it was done by B.G. Kher, Prime Minister of Bombay, Govindh Bhallabh Panth, Premier of United Provinces, and Mavalankar, the President of the Indian Legislative Assembly. The next year, six people, including Emily Greene Balch, and the american society of friends. What did all these folks do?
5. When Odysseus left for the war he left the upbringing of his son to an old nobleman called ______. Homer probably coined this name from the greek for "to stay, abide" or, considering the extraordinary duration of Odysseus' absence, from "patient, long-suffering". the name of this nobleman gives the english language a word. which?
6. Apparently the burmans went to watch a famous hollywood movie. On the way back, SD started humming and beating a tune on the glove compartment, based on the movie's (very famous) theme. The song was initially meant for Baharein Phir bhi Aayengi, but after SD walked out of that production, it was used in a very famous navketan flim. What song?
7. The current accepted theory for the origin of _____ is that it is derived from a facetious early 19th-century phonetic spelling of something else; and that it's use was reinforced by the fact that it was related to the nickname of U.S. president Martin Van Buren (who was born in Kinderhook, in New York state), and the group formed to promote his election in 1840 (a year after the term’s first record in print). was called The ____ Club. Fill up.
8. Tomorrow, a duathlon will be held in scotland. Individuals in each team of four will be required to complete two legs of an eight-legged event, in northern Scotland -- one 10-kilometre run and one 20-kilometre cycle.
The organisers have taken out a one million pound insurance policy for the event. What’s being insured against?
9. Herr Spielmann (later Sir John Spilman) was jeweller to Queen Elizabeth's court and established a paper mill at Dartford in 1580. Anxious to mark his product, he made use of his name: 'Spielmann' in German is a person who acts or plays. Spielmann decided to use this to make a trademark for his paper. What word originates from this incident?
10. As one of twenty-eight French tax collectors and a powerful figure in the unpopular Ferme Générale, X was branded a traitor during the Reign of Terror by French Revolutionists in 1794. One of his actions that might have sealed his fate was a clash a few years earlier with the young Jean-Paul Marat.
He had also intervened on behalf of a number of foreign-born scientists including Joseph Louis Lagrange, granting them exception to a mandate stripping all foreigners of possessions and freedom
X was tried, convicted, and executed on the same day. An appeal to spare his life was cut short by the judge: "The Republic has no need of geniuses”.
One and a half years after his death, he was exonerated by the French government. When his private belongings were delivered to his widow, a brief note was included reading "To the widow of X, who was falsely convicted." Id X.
11. Who were Jaya, Jayesh, Vijaya, Jayabhadra and Jayaseena

12. Connect

13. During the buildup to World War II, the Soviets invaded Finland, in what came to be known as the Winter War. The finnish army borrowed an improvised device design from the Spanish Civil War: there the weapon had been used against Soviet T-26 tanks supporting the Spanish Republicans in a failed 1936 Soviet assault near Toledo.
When the soviet minister of foreign affairs claimed in radio broadcasts that the Soviet Union was not dropping bombs but rather delivering food to the starving Finns, the Finns started to call the air bombs _________ breadbaskets and their weapons ________ _____. These weapons were eventually mass-produced by the Alko corporation at its Rajamäki distillery. Production totalled 450,000 during the Winter War.
Fill up.
14. This character is said to have dragged Yamuna around wherever he went,by plunging his ploughshare in her, because she refused to come to him when he beckoned, while drunk. Who?
14. This character is said to have dragged Yamuna around wherever he went,by plunging his ploughshare in her, because she refused to come to him when he beckoned, while drunk. Who?
15. Due to its shoe string budget, the prop department of this film had to use the cheapest mask they could find in the costume store for their villain, which turned out to be a William Shatner mask they later spray painted white andteased the hair. (Hint:He finally died of decapitation) in 1998, 20 years after his birth). Id.
16. He won the 1947 oscar for best screenplay (the film was the bachelor and the bobby soxer). Who?
17. In Virgil’s Aeneid, the Trojan warrior Aeneas leads a few survivors of the sack of Troy into exile. On the way, he stops at the city of _________, where he falls in love with the queen, Dido, and almost decides to settle there; the gods decide to intervene, so that Aeneas may achieve his ultimate purpose, and appear to Aeneas in visions. This leads Aeneas to leave the city in secret. Heartbroken, Dido makes a pyre containing all of all his possessions and burns herself upon it, proclaiming eternal hate between her people and those of Aeneas. This is the legend that is used to explain something in Roman history. What?
18. What are these the criteria for?
"inability to reproduce" — Nominee must be dead or sterile.
"Excellence" — Astounding misapplication of judgment.
"Self-selection" — Cause of one's own demise.
"Maturity" — Capable of sound judgment.
"Veracity" — The event must be verified.
"inability to reproduce" — Nominee must be dead or sterile.
"Excellence" — Astounding misapplication of judgment.
"Self-selection" — Cause of one's own demise.
"Maturity" — Capable of sound judgment.
"Veracity" — The event must be verified.
19. Connect

20. It existed as a kingdom from the 6th century until the emergence of the Saxon English state in the 9th century, and as an earldom between 1016 and 1066, when the last earl, King Harold II, fell at the battle of Hastings. its heartland was the present-day counties of Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset, and Berkshire. The earldom was unexpectedly revived in 1999 for Prince Edward, when he married Sophie Rhys-Jones..
The earldom was often symbolized by a Wyvern (The Bayeux Tapestry depicts a fallen golden dragon, as well as a red/golden/white dragon at the death of King Harold). What was this place?
The earldom was often symbolized by a Wyvern (The Bayeux Tapestry depicts a fallen golden dragon, as well as a red/golden/white dragon at the death of King Harold). What was this place?
21. Connect

22. He was born into a poor family of immigrants living in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City. Many of his books draw heavily on this heritage. After graduating from the City College of New York, he joined the United States Army Air Forces in World War ii. Due to poor eyesight, the military did not let him undertake combat duties but made him a public relations officer stationed in Germany. After the war, he wrote his first book, The Dark Arena, which came out in 1955. He also co-wrote Richard Donner's Superman (1978) and the original draft for Superman ii (1980). Who?
1. Oscar Wilde
2. Kabadi
3. Die Hard
4. Nominated Mahatma Gandhi for the Nobel Price.
5. Mentor
6. yeh dil na hota bechara
7. Whigg
8. Loch Ness monster
9. Foolscap. The 'actor' he chose was the jester
10. Lavoisier
11. These are the five yakshas draupadi claims to be married to when she was in ajnathavasam. So these are the names the pandavas use when they want to talk to each other.
12. Saki.
13. Molotov Cocktails and Molotov bread baskets
14. Balarama
15. Chuckie
16. Sydney Sheldon
17. The enemity between Rome and Carthage (Dido was queen of Carthage)
18. Darwin Awards.
19. The photo of the famous VE Day kiss. The original and the 50th anniversary re-enactment.
20. Wessex, the imaginary county created by Thomas Hardy
21. Springbok and Proteas. Connection is South Africa.
22. Mario Puzo
been pretty liberal about the connects :)
Albert John-9
Ravi Ananthan-9
1. Oscar Wilde ?
2. Diehards
3. Kabadi
5. Orma varunnilla
6. Ye dil, na hota bechara, kadam na hote aawara, jo khoobsoorat koi upna hamsafar hota ... from Jewel Thief
8. Something about Loch Ness Monster ? ... hmm ... maybe, the insurance is against Nessie's existence being proved ?
9. Fool's cap ?
10. Lavoisier
12. The second is Omar Khayyam. So will make a guess that the first is Edward Fitzgerald and the connection Rubaiyat
13. Molotov cocktails
14. Balarama
15. Darth Vader
16. Sidney Sheldon
17. Dido is believed to the founder of Carthage. So the enmity between Roms and Carts ?
16 (again !). Darwin awards
17. The first is Alfred Eisenstadt's VJ Day Kiss. The second probably is the people re-enacting it, may be on the 50th anniversary of VJ-day or something ?
19. Springbok -> Protea -> S Africa
relatively easy set when compared to the first one
3) kabadi? (chado guddo rhymes sadugudu which i think is the tamil for kabadi.. "kadhal sadugudu"...from alaipayuthe)
8) any attack from lochness monster
12) saki and omar khayyam.the name saki taken from a char in rubaiyat.
14) balarama
16) sidney sheldon
17) same ppl . first taken just after ww2. second one after a hunt for these ppl (its a guess)
19) springbok and protea - SA
20)mario puzo
1(oscar wilde
2)die hards
4.nominated gandhi for nobel peace prize.
6.allah thero naam iswar thero naam...
sab ko sanmathi de bhagwan
8.loch ness monster attack
11.devadasis of ...........
16.sydney sheldon
1.Oscar Wilde
2.Die Hard
3.easily guessed.....kabbadi
4. league of nations heads?????
7. kinderhook??
8.scot.......loch ness monster????
10.lavoisier, an oft repeated q.
14. bhagiratha????
15.sidney sheldon
17. longest kiss..........guinness reord???
19.the animal is a gazelle or an antelope. the flower is named after the animal or something. sorry for making up such dumb fundas.
20.mario puzo.......a clean lift off from quiznet.
this was a decent set wih more answerable questions. but i think the quiz has too much of literature, myth and similar stuffs.
1.oscar wilde.
3.kabadi in india.
4.nominated m k gandhi for nobel prize.
6.hum donom ,sab ko sanmathi de bagwan,iswar allah
7.old kinderhook
8.loch nesss monster attacks
16.sydney sheldon.
i missed the previous set completely
nice set of questions
1. hahhahhahahahahahahhhahahahahahahaahahahahhaaha Oscar Wilde
2. another of my favourite piece of history
Die Hard
3. chadu guddu ?
kabadi ?(just a guess )
4. G.V Mavlankar and Panth and all ? i was goin to say died in office but the first guy did it 3 times :)
so got elected in absentia ?
5 . Mentor
6. obviously no idea
7. Dutch club ?
8. Being stopped by authorities ?
9. Watermark ?
10. Lavoister
11. Sons of pandavas by draupathi ?
13.Molotov cocktails but first blank ------ bread basket????
16. just a wild swig G B Shaw
17. Carthage
you ve made your no wrong
again 16
16 . To be in the list of endangered species?
17. pic connect the re enactment of the famous kiss of the sailor by the two involved parties again
18. Wessex
20 .
Answers please
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