This quiz was contributed by Arun George, a Std 11 student from Rajagiri Public School.
Mail your attempts to arungeorgerajagiri at yahoo dot co dot uk, or leave them as comments on this page.

5. What commonly used word, meaning ‘a humorous misuse of a word’ is named after Mrs. M………p, a character in ‘The Rivals’, a play by Richard Brinsley Sheridan ?
6. Another etymology (dedicating this to all wiki addicts like me): Which word, used in wikipedia for ‘a short article in need of expansion’ originally means ‘a mature tree cut above a height of 3-5 metres and retained as a standing stem or pollard following timber harvest, usually for wildlife or archaeological purposes’ ?
7. This english football club was nicknamed .…………. because in the 19th century, one of their pitches was adjacent to a piggery and clearances often end up in there. Players had to 'trot' through the pig-pens to retrieve the balls. Which club?
8. This is the main entrance in to what?? The lines at the gate means " Work will set youfree”.
10. This google doodle, that appeared on January 15, 2007 was in memory of a great American known for his dream. Who?

last question -I THINK IT'S
Martin Luther King
answr1:they are all men
2.South Park
9.Cuthbert Calculus(??)
10.Martin Luther King Jr.
1) not sure but connected to Bodyline
2) South Park TV serial on Comedy central
7) Its Bolton Wanderers and the nickname is Troters (not sure about the spelling)
10) Martin Luther King
1) its related to Tour of Australia
2) South Park series
7) Tottenham Hotspur and the nickname is troters (not sure about the spelling)
10) Martin Luther King
1. these players played for england but were born in India (a guess)
2. south park
3. they all contributed to the development of mobile technology????
6. stub
5. malapropism
7. bolton wanderers
10. martin luther king???
great questions where'd u get em??
1. Cricket captains born in different countries than they represented?
2. South Park
3. Pass
4. Pass
5. Malaprop
6. Stub
7. Trotters (Bolton Wanderers)
8. Concentration camps (Nazi)
9. Is it something to do with a priest’s disappearing kidney stone as an evidence for a miracle to assign sainthood to Mother Teresa?
10. Martin Luther King
1.where they all born in madras?
2.Dont know sounds like Middle earth families..
3.Lucy Ball, schroder nd franklin? dont know..
7.Bolton wanderers
8.A concentration camp?
9.Kdney stones are called renal calculi.. is it calculi?
10.Martin Luther king
1)all eng captains born in India?(2)in the comedy cartoon southpark(6)stub(8)Auschwitz(10)only one american dreamer i know of-martin luther king and coz it shows two black kids playing with normally pictured kids(4)bunsen burner??(9)france??(gallium and lyks??)
1)all eng captains born in India?(2)in the comedy cartoon southpark(6)stub(8)Auschwitz(10)only one american dreamer i know of martin luther king and coz it shows two black kids playing with normally pictured kids(4)bunsen burner??(9)france??(gallium and lyks??)
1)all eng captains born in India?(2)in the comedy cartoon southpark(6)stub(8)Auschwitz(10)only one american dreamer i know of martin luther king and coz it shows two black kids playing with normally pictured kids(4)bunsen burner??(9)france??(gallium and lyks??)
1.Whr they al born in madras?
2.Dont know .. sounds lyk middle earth family...
3.Hm.. Lucy ball, schroder, benj franklin.. no idea..
6.A stub?
7.Is it bolton wanderers?
8. a concentration camp..
9.A kidney stone is called a calculi.. is it calculi?
10.Martin luther king..
i can thank my lucky stars if im atleast able to get 5 of these right..
1.Being a south park viewer helps in this one..
all these are south park characters..
2.Linus,lucy,schroder and franklin are peanuts characters.. :-) idea..
4.nice question dude..
7.west ham??
8.obviosly Auschwitz..
10..that would be Martin luther king junior..
Anand shankar (bits, goa) - 5
Arun A.S (govt engg college, thrissur) – 5
George Ambooken- 4.5
sonu - 1
ben - thats a PJ
arvind -3
grimreaper - 6
george williams - 6
deepu - 7
lots of anons.......not taking the trouble to count them
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