Thursday, March 8, 2007

Greycells: Organization and Activities

The Greycells community on the internet now has over 300 active quizzers. The "Greycells" yahoogroups is also an active forum for quiz postings. Our active members continue to share their quizzing experiences wherever they are, be it Ernakulam, Bombay, Bangalore, Singapore, United Kingdom, The Middle East or the United States. The current organisational structure of Greycells is as follows.

Patron: Dr. Jayathilak IAS
Patron: Sri. Minhaj Alam IAS
Patron: Dr. V. Venu IAS
President: Dr. G. Madhu(CUSAT)
Vice President: Sri. Anil Raghavan (Ernakulam) Ph:9447214706
General Secretary: Sri. Abdul Latheef M H(Ernakulam) Ph:9895648013
Treasurer: Sri. K.R. Chandrasekharan Ph:0484-2544269
Co-ordinator: Sri. Lloyd Colopilly (Bangalore)
Co-ordinator: Sri. D. Nandakumar
Co-ordinator: Sri. Praveen V R (Calicut)
Co-ordinator: Sri. Rajesh Mohan (Thrissur)
Co-ordinator: Dr. Sarin P.(Calicut)


The Greycells organisation was originally set up as an informal gathering of quizzers in Ernakulam, Kerala. Over the years, Kerala has enjoyed a great tradition of quizzing and related activities. The absence of a serious quiz group was felt when people graduated out of their academic institutions and entered the open quiz domain. The idea was to have regular quizzing sessions where people of all ages and institutional affiliations could come together.
In 2006, the group started making its presence felt on the social networking sites, quickly gathering quizzers from the 1980s to the present day.

The objective of the resurgent movement was to improve the quality of quizzing in schools and colleges as well as provide a greater focus on Open quizzes. The phenomenal enthusiasm of its members and the good publicity from the media ensured that Greycells became the No:1 consultant for quizzes in Kerala. Several educational institutions have requested assistance from the seasoned quizzers in the community to organise their internal events. Along with our sponsors, we have also managed to organise several open quizzes in Ernakulam, Thrissur and Calicut.

Greycells believes in spreading quizzing as an entertaining and informative sport as opposed to a purely academic pursuit. Quizzing today, is not merely the by-hearting of a lot of disconnected facts or statistics. It requires people to expand their horizons and use their intelligence to piece together puzzles. It enriches your knowledge and brings you in touch with many like-minded, competitive people. The best part is that it strengthens your existing hobbies, be it sports, books, movies, music, technology, business or history. For the really serious pursuers, there are loads of money to be made as well. Most of us at Greycells treat it as a great way to spend our free time, far from the pressures of work/studies, engaged in some memorable teamwork and exciting guesswork :). From the lazy shades of a sunday afternoon coffeeshop quiz to the adrenaline rush of a high stakes corporate quiz, from the dusty benches of a school class room to the celebrity hosted world of TV quiz shows, it comes in all flavors!

As of today, Greycells offers a variety of services for the promotion of quizzing. Most of these are provided free of charge because our aim is to attract more people to this informative and entertaining sport and ensuring good quality events. In the case of events where a significant effort/expense is involved from our part, we charge nominal fees.

  • We provide Quiz masters for quizzes organised by educational institutions, corporates and cultural associations. The core team of Greycells comprise about 10 quizzers and quiz masters who have the experience in conducting several such quizzes. These include regular pros who have participated in Mastermind India, University Challenge, Brand Equity Quiz and other prestigious quizzes in the country. The core group is assisted by several others in setting questions.
  • We are willing to provide research help for quizzes in the media. These may include television quiz shows, quizzes in newspapers/magazines or online events.
  • We help with publicity for quizzes through our media contacts, social networking sites, and other internet forums. We also have tie-ups with several school and college quiz clubs and can ensure that word gets around quickly.
  • We also offer assistance for setting up quiz clubs in schools, colleges and corporates. Considering the tremendous growth in popularity of quiz shows and the fun involved, we believe there are quizzers in every institution, waiting for such opportunities. Our assistance can be as minimal as sending out regular quizlets for internal events in your insititution's quiz club or as involved as planning events and sending out quiz masters.
  • Our discussion forums are some of the liveliest on the subject. So, any questions on how to go about organising an event, we can clear it up with the best judges: your target participants!

Please drop us a mail at for any questions!


We are a very informal organisation spread out across different locations. Anyone who is interested in volunteering or setting up a group in their region are requested to mail or .


Hrishi Varma said...

Great Work, guys!
and lets not be so modest when filling up the R and M columns in the Profiles:)

and also, does this appply only to retired quizzers?
otherwise people like Vijaynath and Sarin should have healthy profiles.

Hrishi Varma said...

Sorry i forgot to tell, I'm Hrishi:)

manjith said...

nope!we would love to have the profiles of all quizzers who have been regular in kerala quizzing irrespective of their track record.
the profile section is still under construction..will add more names soon..plz suggest names.

SUBIN said...

hi tell the criteria for starting a membership in greycells

greycells said...


Added :-)

Karthik Narayan said...

How do i become a member out here :)

KN from chennai :) part of the IQL based out here if you like!!