Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quizzes on 17th October

Greycells will be conducting two quizzes on Diwali at Thrissur:

1. The Greycells Lone Kid Quiz

This is the first quiz done by Greycells exclusively for kids. It is in the lone wolf format, open only to school kids, and will be a written event. The aim is to find out the best lone kid quizzer.

The quiz will be a written quiz of 45 minutes duration, and will comprise of 60 questions.

Date: 17th October 2009, Saturday

Time: 11am

Venue: Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur.

Format: Lone Wolf

Open to any school student studying in any school in Kerala


Rs. 1000 for the winner
Rs. 500 for the runner-up

QMs: Anil Raghavan , Manjith Kumar, Arun AS and Hrishi Varma

There is no registration fee for this quiz.


To honour one of the legends of Kerala quizzing, we could think of no better way than to conduct an Open quiz in his memory. We refer to Anoop Adityan, a GEC Thrissur alumnus, one of the great quizzers of the early 90s, and a legend in his own right, who sadly passed away a few months ago.. We intend this to be an annual affair for the best in the business to fight it out and be crowned champs. It is also our way of remembering one of the great past masters of the field.

Date: 17th October 2009, Saturday

Time: 1:30 pm

Venue: Govt. Engineering College Thrissur.

Format: Teams of maximum two members, written prelims followed by finals for top 6 (six) teams

Open to all irrespective of age and institutional affiliation.

Cash prizes for all finalists and to the winners, The Anoop Adityan Memorial Ever-Rolling Trophy

QMs: Rajesh Mohan and Lloyd Coloppily

There will be a token registration fee for this event.

We hope that everyone will co-operate to make this event a grand success. Hope to see you there!

-The Greycells Team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please do tell what happened to anoop? can u ppl include a write up by somebody who kept in touch with him /give a link or so that things r clear to ppl. for the record, i quizzed with him in th 90s but have since lost touch. thanks.