Saturday, January 9, 2010

Greycells Quizzes on 17th January 2010

Greycells will be doing two Open quizzes on 17th January at Thrissur. Quizzes are open to all irrespective of age or institutional affiliation. We will be having two quizzes: One is a General Open Quiz and the other will be a re run of the KQA History Quiz that the same QM duo will be doing on this Sunday (10th) at Bangalore. So feel free to try and get the questions :)

Venue: Jubilee Mission Medical College, Thrissur

QMs: Manjith Kumar & Praveen VR (in absentia)

Date: 17th January, Sunday, 2010

Time: 11:30 am (there will be a small lunch break between the quizzes, and we hope to be done by 5:30pm latest)

Prizes: Cash Prizes to all finalists.

Please note that QM in particular is running on a tight schedule and no kind of time extension will be given if you're late.

Teams of maximum TWO (2) members for both quizzes.

A token registration fee will be collected.

Greycells would like to thank Alby John for being kind enough to arrange the venue for us.

- The Greycells Team

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