2. John Flamsteed, a royal functionary, asked Charles ii to remove the ravens residing at the Tower of London since they impeded his work. However, on hearing the legend that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the White Tower, the Monarchy and the entire kingdom would fall Charles ii did not think it prudent to take such a risk. instead he moved the offices of the complaining functionary somewhere else.
What was moved where?
3. “In the bad old days, when i wanted a few minutes break while writing, i used to light up a cigarette. i gave up smoking in 2000 and now chew a lot of gum instead. however, chewing gum does not give you an excuse for a nice brain-resting break, so instead i like to escape the complexities of the latest plot by playing a quick game of minesweeper. since giving up smoking i must boastfully inform you that i have become rather good and that my current best time for expert level is 99 seconds... it's wither minesweeper or smoking, i can't write if i give up both."
Which author?

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